The thing I enjoy most about Rome is leading Photography Club. I was terribly surprised when I got here to find out that there wasn't one, but within the first month I had started my own knowing that it was key to my survival. I have met so many amazing people, and I have advanced so much with my art since starting it.
Yesterday, Francesco, Jeff, and I went to one of my favorite small parks at the top of Gianicolo Hill. The first block here shows nicely the fountain and my position in said fountain.
Clearly, these are not taken with my normal camera because there's no way I would bring it into a fountain. However, Francesco has a Go Pro (which was in and out of the fountains all day) that is water proof and wide angled. These show the fountain I was sitting on so well. Right astride a lion/woman statue in the center of the fountain.
I was not the only one to crawl upon one of these buggers.
...and even Francesco ended up in the fountain when he dropped his Go Pro past arms-reach.
..then ended as a model as is usual for him.
The running joke of today was: In Rome anything is legal as long as many people are doing it. Applicable to parking, not paying for public transportation, and taking photos wherever we can.
Below, I introduce fountain number two.
Photos of me taken by Francesco Giannone
Look at that shiny curly hair I'm rocking. Yes. Let's get my hair to behave like that every day.
I was so excited to get into that second fountain. As I sat on the edge with my legs in I turned around and a little girl was there right behind/next to me. She was fascinated by the fact that I was actually getting in, but promptly ran away when I noticed her.
We're now ready for fountain #3...
by Francesco Giannone
This fountain was only made better by the ridiculous tree next to it. This is my FAVORITE part of this shoot. This tree. Right below this text. Look down.
Oh. My. This tree. Let's talk about this tree.
This TREE!!!
I think you have gotten the point. Back to the fountains.
Jeff found a lizard next to the fountain #3 and promptly broke off the tail.
His name was Monty
Definitely my favorite Photo Club excursion. Hope you guys enjoyed this blog post half as much as I did.